Tithing for Planned Parenthood

  Fiction is for escape; fiction teaches empathy. In every book, I work to put the story first (“the gotta know”—as per Stephen King’s instructions) while imbuing it with the

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Making Invisible Kids Visible

Being invisible is pretty hard for a kid. Crummy childhoods take many forms; usually, it’s an amalgam of yuck. Smacks and screams thankfully have a time limit, but neglect is

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Ferocious Love When We Need It

I started Jesse, A Mother’s Story twice. The stark beauty of this memoir hit me the moment I began. Marianne Leone’s narrative, written with an unrelenting immediacy, yanked me into her

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How to Fail at a Cookie Party

When I was newly married (19!), my then-husband and I moved to a farm between Binghamton and Ithaca, New York. His job was being a farmhand. Mine was reading, watching the

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Obsessive Themes

Unless it’s in service to a story, I avoid deep thought. But avoidance only stretches so far; when it became time to write a think piece on why I wrote that particular

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First Lines; Last Lines

That perfect first line. How we chase it, scrambling phrases and our brains, seeking magic words to pop open our stories like magic keys. ( Sometimes, I want to create

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Should You Be A Writer?

At first, writing seems the perfect job for a control freak. * You are alone! At your desk. Making your very own world. * These characters you’ve dreamed up jump when you

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