Grandma Millie’s Stuffing: Childhood on a Fork (and how I Googled my way back to Thanksgiving)

My sister and I didn’t grow up rife with traditions. On Halloween we wore old shirts to represent that we were hobos or beatniks, depending on our mood.  When we hung our socks on Christmas Eve, seeing them flat and unfilled the next morning reminded us that Santa didn’t stop for little Jewish girls—but there … Read more

Bake a Luscious Vintage Chocolate Recipe for Someone You Love (including yourself!)

Feb 1st is National Dark Chocolate Day Raise your hand if you knew Feb 1 was  National Dark  Chocolate Day.  I know, my hand is also down—but I’m ready to celebrate.  (I plan to consider this an auspicious sign for THE FASHION ORPHANS book launch on Feb 1. Like maybe someone will buy me chocolates?—I’m … Read more

One Easy Starter: A Million Easy Soups

Big Pots of Homemade Soup made Super-Easy Raise your hand if you’re so sick of cooking you could live on dry cereal for the rest of your life. These days my answer is soup, soup, and more soup. Sometimes they resemble stews, sometimes chili, sometimes the inside of my fridge— but always eminently edible and … Read more