Worshipping at the Brooklyn Library Altar

  “The library was a little old shabby place. Francie thought it was beautiful. The feeling she had about it was as good as the feeling she had about church.” A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith. February is Library Lovers Day — and not only do I love libraries, but I also credit the Kensington … Read more

Eleven Great Presents with Impact (from $10 to $55!)

Presents!! In opposition to the Scrooges of the world, I love giving presents, finding presents, and getting presents! (Though I do have to lock down my desire to do one for them, one for me.) I do, however, work at buying from places that benefit others, from small biz, and from museums and library shops. … Read more

Bake a Luscious Vintage Chocolate Recipe for Someone You Love (including yourself!)

Feb 1st is National Dark Chocolate Day Raise your hand if you knew Feb 1 was  National Dark  Chocolate Day.  I know, my hand is also down—but I’m ready to celebrate.  (I plan to consider this an auspicious sign for THE FASHION ORPHANS book launch on Feb 1. Like maybe someone will buy me chocolates?—I’m … Read more