Beauty By The Book (or how I learned to put on some damn blush)

Everyone has something that keeps them going when nothing else will do. For some it’s cupcakes. Others choose wine. My husband has football. I have beauty magazines. I’m not exactly sure where I get my make-up, hair product, fragrance, and clothes jones. Partially from my mother, who could transform herself in miraculous ways between walking … Read more

Avoiding The Yada, Yada, Yada (in books)

I’m wiggling back into my new novel, and like many complicated tasks—knitting a sweater for an elephant, cooking a gluten-free banquet for four hundred vegans—I need to regain my rhythm and whack my way through the awful stage where everything I write sounds like this: Blah, blah, blah. See Spot run. Yada, yada, yada. Barreling … Read more

No Villains, No Heroes

“In the airport, coming home from vacation, he stops at a kiosk and buys grapefruits, which he arranges to have sent to his daughters. They will stumble over the crates waiting on their porches, when they get home from his funeral.” Thus opens this stark and haunting memoir, written in prose that surrounded me like … Read more

Real Life: What I Keep & What I Leave Behind When I Write.

“But it really happened.”

I was in an adult-ed writer’s group when I first heard this. I’d watched the woman speaking become tenser and grimmer as members of the group—gently and with compassion—suggested that the gruesome events on the page could be presented in a manner more conducive to engaging the reader.

She listened for only a few moments—sadly, this group did not have a ‘be silent while being critiqued’ policy—before unleashing, accusing the group of everything from indifference about sexual assault on children, to ignorance about how children really thought (this in response to our collective idea that 4-year-olds did not speak like 30-year-olds.) She shook as she lectured us on the horror of incest.

True that. Everything she said about her pain and suffering was true—but it still didn’t work on the page. My social services hat went on and I reacted to

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