Tithing for Planned Parenthood

  Fiction is for escape; fiction teaches empathy. In every book, I work to put the story first (“the gotta know”—as per Stephen King’s instructions) while imbuing it with the times that mark the characters. Like the cast of The Many Mothers of Ivy Puddingstone, which goes on sale October 29, 2024, we live in fraught times. … Read more

Mothers & Daughters: Pushing and Pulling

Ah, the picture above—was it taken mid-eye-roll at my junior high school graduation? I never met a book by Ruth Reichl I haven’t loved, and my adoration continued with  Not Becoming My Mother (retitled for the paperback as For You Mom, Finally), a deceptively simple snack. (I’m certain that Ms. Reichl, editor of Gourmet Magazine, … Read more

Making Invisible Kids Visible

Being invisible is pretty hard for a kid. Crummy childhoods take many forms; usually, it’s an amalgam of yuck. Smacks and screams thankfully have a time limit, but neglect is the gift that never stops. Even the most benign neglect—like being a latchkey kid—can foster loneliness. When trouble fills a family, kids are pushed to … Read more

How to Adventure Without Leaving the Couch

Hint: It’s Books Stories of survival fill me with shivery delight. I rarely meet a story of man/woman vs. elements that won’t keep me up until all hours. Heartpounding adventure stories are, no doubt, one of my favorite sub-genres. And yes, I am the most fearful of creatures. I’ve never skied, but I will explode … Read more